60 x Meme Emotes Pack 01 / funny emotes / meme emotes / sub badges / twitch youtube discord / multipack / subscriber
These adorable 60 Meme Emotes are perfect for Twitch / Youtube / Trovo / Discord.
Let your viewers express their emotions with a unique Ultimate Meme Emotes Pack 01 (There are actually 60 of them)! 🌞
This item contains 60 Emotes that is available in an INSTANT digital download.
This pack Includes:
60 Emotes in 4 sizes that comes as a .ZIP file.
◼️ 28pixels by 28pixels;
◼️ 56pixels by 56pixels;
◼️ 112pixels by 112pixels;
◼️ 300pixels by 300pixels;
◼️ PNG.
Kindly unzip and they’re ready to use!
◼️ You can find all the emotes in PACK_01_60_Meme_Emotes_MAIN.zip file.
◼️ You can find Readme file, Preview for navigation folder and my social links for future commissions in PACK_01_60_Meme_Emotes_README.zip file.
🗨 If there are any issues, just message me and I'll be happy to help!
Thank you! 💜