Aged Care Nursing: A Guide to Practice - Book With 2 Audio Cd-roms 1st Edition by Susan Carmody (Editor), Sue Forster (E
Aged Care Nursing: A Guide to Practice - Book With 2 Audio Cd-roms 1st Edition by Susan Carmody (Editor), Sue Forster (Editor) - This is a P.D.F Ebook.
Foreword - Len Gray As life expectancy increases, more people will confront failing health at a greater age. Illness in late life is often chronic and accompanied by loss of independence, and this can mean that family members become responsible for care. Assessment, management, and care in these complex situations require considerable knowledge and skill, with contributions from a variety of professional disciplines. Nursing is central to the care of older people. Indeed, nurses often take a lead role. Gerontic nursing is relevant not only to those care domains that have traditionally been regarded as 'aged care'-such as nursing homes and community care-but also to acute hospital and rehabilitation services. There is therefore a need to promulgate education in gerontic nursing across all care domains. This book offers key information to nurses who wish to update their knowledge in this vital area of care. It is most comprehensive in its coverage of the important issues that are central to gerontic nursing, and its format and organisation enables efficient access to all relevant subjects. This is not only a text for nurses who work exclusively in aged care, but also a highly valuable resource for nurses in other roles who care for older people