Basic and Applied Concepts of Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices 5th Edition
Basic and Applied Concepts of Blood Banking and Transfusion Practices 5th Edition
Table of Contents
Part I: Quality and Safety Issues
1. Quality Assurance and Regulation of the Blood Industry: Safety Issues in the Blood Bank
Part II: Foundations: Basic Sciences and Reagents
2. Immunology: Basic Principles and Applications in the Blood Bank
3. Blood Banking Reagents: Overview and Applications
4. Genetic Principles in Blood Banking
Part III: Overview of the Major Blood Groups
5. ABO and H Blood Group Systems and Secretor Status
6. Rh Blood Group System
7. Other Red Cell Blood Group Systems, Human Leukocyte Antigens, and Platelet Antigens
Part IV: Essentials of Pretransfusion Testing
8. Antibody Detection and Identification
9. Compatibility Testing
10. Blood Bank Automation for Transfusion Services
Part V: Clinical Considerations in Immunohematology
11. Adverse Complications of Transfusions
12. Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn
Part VI: Blood Collecting and Testing
13. Donor Selection and Phlebotomy
14. Testing of Donor Blood
Part VII: Blood Component Preparation and Transfusion Therapy
15. Blood Component Preparation and Therapy
16. Transfusion Therapy in Selected Patients