Belladonna seeds, 200 Belladonna Atropa seeds,Medicinal Herb,Ukrainian organic seeds,SW42
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The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to drought and lodging. The growing season is 120-128 days. At the initial stages of organogenesis, plants of the variety Krasavka have a green color with anthocyanin. In the first year of vegetation, plants are 0.8-1.2 m high, and in the second and subsequent years, 1.5-2.0 m.
The stem is branched in diameter reaches 3 cm, is intensely covered with anthocyanin. The leaves are whole, ovate-pointed, petiolate dark green in color, pubescent from below. Leaf blades on average 35cm long, 16cm wide.
The flowers are bell-shaped, drooping. The color of the flowers is brownish-violet, at the base with a yellowish tinge. Corolla 3 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide. The fruit is a two-nested, multi-seeded, juicy purple-black berry, shiny on a long stalk. The root system of the variety is powerful.