Clinician's Thesaurus: The Guide to Conducting Interviews and Writing Psychological Reports
Hundreds of thousands of students and early career professionals rely on the dsm-5/ICD-10-CM and this authoritative reporting tool updated for new types of assessments. In a convenient 8"x10.5" format, the book covers nearly all areas of care addressed in intake, evaluation, treatment plans, progress notes and end summaries. Users seeking the right term ding for clinical documents can skim and choose from thousands of jargon, behavioral descriptors and standard statements. It also provides interview questions for almost all symptomatic behaviors, a huge collection of mental state questions, a reproducible mental state assessment summary form, and links to hundreds of Internet resources. The Companion website provides all the URLs from the book, reproducible forms, and useful references on current psychiatric drugs.
New to this version
* A list of all psychiatric ICD-10 diagnoses (all codes in DSM-5 plus more codes), including Z codes essential for a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment.
* Sample evaluation report locked to book chapters.
* Sections on additional clinical issues: Intimate partner violence, gender identity, trafficking, recovery-oriented language, and more.
* More Internet links, including a wide variety of screening and evaluation tools.