Collection of the works of St. Justin (Popovich) Volume 2 | Language: Russian | Moscow, 2006
The second volume of the Collection of Works of St. Justin of Celia (Popovich) (1894-1979) contains an Introduction, the 1st and 2nd parts of his "Dogmatics of the Orthodox Church", including preliminary information about dogmatic science, the concept of the trinity God and His properties, the doctrine of God as Creator and Provident of the world, the doctrine of the fall and its the doctrine of the causes and purposes of the Incarnation of God, about the Face of the Lord Jesus Christ and the image of the union of two — divine and human — natures in Him, about the Most Holy Theotokos and Her role in the Economy of salvation.
The introduction was created under the influence of Russian pre—revolutionary dogmatic systems - first of all, Metropolitan Makarii (Bulgakov), as well as Archbishop Filaret (Gumilyevsky) and Bishop Sylvester (Malevansky). The main part of the "Dogmatics" of the Rev. Justina already relies directly on the patristic Tradition, the complete adherence to which becomes the most important feature of his theological methodology. This is expressed not just in the copious quoting of the works of the Holy Fathers, but above all in fidelity to the very spirit of church Tradition, thanks to which dogmatics ceases to be only a theoretical training course, but becomes a living testimony of what has been from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our own eyes, what we have examined and what our hands have touched, about the Word of Life (1 John 1-2).
This publication is valuable not only for specialists in the field of theology and students of theological educational institutions, but also for all readers seeking spiritual edification.