E-Textbook Applied Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians 6th Edition by Lisa Martini-Johnson
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Applied Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians
- 6th Edition
- by Lisa Martini-Johnson DVM CVT (Author)
Learn to calculate dosages accurately and administer drugs safely! Martini-Johnson’s Applied Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians, 6th Edition shows you how to determine drug dosages, administer prescribed drugs to animals, and instruct clients about side effects and precautions.
- Quick-access format makes it easy to find important drug information, including clinical uses, dosage forms, and adverse side effects.
- Body systems organization follows a logical sequence of study.
- Illustrated, step-by-step procedures demonstrate proper administration techniques for common drug forms.
- Key terms, chapter outlines, Notes boxes, and learning objectives focus your learning and make studying easier.
- Proprietary drug names are listed with the generic drug names, highlighting drugs that have generic options.
- Companion Evolve website includes drug dosage calculators with accompanying word problems, animations of pharmacologic processes, and dosage calculation exercises.
- Dosage calculation exercises provide practice immediately after new information is presented.
- Review questions reinforce your understanding of key concepts, with answers located in the back of the book.
- Technician Notes provide useful hints and important reminders to help you avoid common errors and increase your efficiency on the job.
- NEW! Emergency Drugs chapter is added.
- UPDATED drug information keeps you current with the newest pharmacologic agents and their uses, adverse side effects, and dosage forms.
- NEW! Case studies at the end of every chapter introduce real-world scenarios.