Ebook Buy the Avocado Toast Stephanie Bousley
Conventional wisdom tells us the formula for success is simple: go to school, get a job, work hard, repeat as needed until you retire. But that’s just not the reality for many recent (and not-so-recent) graduates who have racked up massive student debt and feel like there’s no way out of that deepening hole. So how did one graduate pay off six-figure student debt and create the life of her dreams? It turns out, it takes a little more creativity. In Buy the Avocado Toast, millenial debtor-turned-success story Stephanie Bousley shares her journey to financial freedom and a treasure trove of unconventional ideas to help you do the same! With some out-of-the-box thinking, a few calculated risks, and a whole lot of faith in yourself, you can rid yourself of the burden of studen debt and, more importanly, crush those feelings of failure that so often accompany it. You are not your debt! You deserve the life you want if you have the courage to create it.