Essentials of Pediatric Nursing Second Edition by Kyle MSN CPNP, Theresa, Carman MSN MBA, Susan (2012) Hardcover Hardcov
Essentials of Pediatric Nursing Second Edition by Kyle MSN CPNP, Theresa, Carman MSN MBA, Susan (2012)
Confidently deliver the foundation student nurses need for sound nursing care of children and their families with Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, Fourth Edition. A unique concept-based approach and nursing process focus help students go from concept to application by building on prior knowledge, establishing an understanding of broad concepts before instilling the ability to solve problems in complex situations. Supported by Interactive Case Studies, Unfolding Case Studies, Clinical Reasoning Alerts and other active learning features, this accessible text emphasizes active, conceptual learning to help you make the most of your class time and foster essential critical thinking throughout your course..