Etiquette & Communication Strategies for Nurses 3rd Edition by Kathleen D. Pagana (Author)
Etiquette & Communication Strategies for Nurses 3rd Edition by Kathleen D. Pagana (Author) - This is a P.D.F Ebook.
Far from just raising pinkie fingers and spooning soup, today s etiquette includes everything from effective networking to appropriate social media engagement to the perfect, polished look. For new graduates and seasoned nurses alike, mastery of modern etiquette is critical to personal and professional success.
This revised and expanded third edition of Etiquette & Communication Strategies for Nurses will help you increase your confidence, enhance your reputation, and focus your career aspirations. Filled with practical tips, avoidable faux pas, and informative Q&As, this book will help you:
NEW: Plan an engaging and impactful presentation
NEW: Boost your career by writing an article
NEW: Use a leadership strategy to achieve your personal and professional goals
Interview successfully for a new position
Dine with confidence in any business or social setting
Increase your comfort with business travel
Manage online and social media interactions safely and professionally
Interact with everyone from executives to subordinates with grace and polish, regardless of the setting or situation
Moderate productive meetings
Thrive, not just survive, in culturally diverse interactions