Foundations of strength training for swimmers Deniz hekmati
Swimming is among the most physically demanding sports on the planet, involving endless hours of grueling training. Intensity and volume often overrule other critical aspects of performance, like preparing the body to withstand such taxing work. As a result, swimmers suffer from more overuse injuries than almost all other athletes.It does not have to be this way. Success in the pool means taking into account all aspects of training. With this book, Deniz Hekmati takes a deep dive into how strength training and recovery impact performance for swimmers of all ages, ranging from complete novices to Olympians. His science-based solutions will challenge your views on the relationship between strength training and fast swimming.This book is for all the swimming enthusiasts who realize that they themselves hold the keys to their own success. It is for the coaches who are passionate about making swimmers faster and addressing their injuries. And it is for the devoted swimmer parent looking to understand the sport and set their child up for success and good health.