In the Face of Death Professionals Who Care for the Dying and the Bereaved Springer Series on Death and Suicide
Danai Papadatou presents an approach of Relational Care, care based on an understanding of relationships, that should be essential reading She writes in an engaging and nontechnical language, and manages to convey complex ideas in a manner that is accessible to all Colin Murray Parkes, OBE, MD, FRCPsych President, Cruse Bereavement Care From the Foreword This is a fascinating book, applying important theoretical models in order to describe and speculate about how professionals manage to work in an environment where suffering and grief are constantly present This is an important and substantial addition to the mostly selfhelp literature about selfcare for caregivers Doodys In the Face of Death explores the experiences of health care professionals who care for the seriously ill, the dying, and the bereaved In this book, Danai Papadatou offers a practical approach to caregiving, as well as a breadth and depth of insight into both the patients and the caregivers responses to death The author discusses the issues and challenges health care professionals face when treating dying and bereaved patients Topics include compassion fatigue, the inevitability of suffering and the potential for growth, suffering in the workplace, team functioning in death situations, and team resilience The Main themes are The Caring Relationship focuses on the relationship between the care provider and the person who is dying or grieving, and proposes a new, relationshipbased model of care The Care Provider in Death Situations addresses the health professionals personal responses to death, using a model that illustrates the grieving process of the health professional The Team in the Face of Death provides recommendations for effective, interdisciplinary care services that support dying or bereaved patients as well as the health care provider