Mandala Ajna chakra Symbolic zen art Spiritual sacred geometry painting
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About this item
Mandala "Ajna chakra" is a sacred painting, which carries the color, symbol and sound of the upper third eye chakra, located between the eyebrows. It is a beautiful addition to the interior & a guide to the world of spirituality.
Ajna chakra is the sixth energy center and the upper chakra, located between the eyebrows.
Ajna chakra is depicted as a Lotus with 2 petals. A triangle with the top down is inscribed in the central circle.
The seed mantra of Ajna chakra, “Aum”, is depicted in the center of the mandala.
Harmonious Ajna gives a person good intuition, wisdom and understanding of things, people, life in general, helps to understand the moods of others. Thanks to the opened chakra, a person feels presence in the moment, does not worry about the future and does not cling to the events of the past.
The mandala will help harmonize the chakra through prolonged eye contact with it.
It will become an energetically strong gift and a wonderful accent in the interior.
Made by Maria OmMandalaOm