Men in Nursing: History, Challenges, and Opportunities 1st Edition, Edition by PhD O'Lynn, Chad E., RN (Editor),
Men in Nursing: History, Challenges, and Opportunities 1st Edition, Edition by PhD O'Lynn, Chad E., RN (Editor), FAAN Tranbarger, Russell E., RN, EdD (Editor) - This is a P.D.F Ebook.
Named an Outstanding Academic Title for 2007 byChoice!
"[A] fascinating historical perspective on men in nursing; the societal stereotypes associated with nurses and nursing; and the gender-based barriers facing males in the profession and those considering nursing as a career....Everyone in the expanding health care delivery system should read this book on men's contributions to the field of nursing. Essential."
From the Foreword:
"At a time when all of the world's talent must be tapped to provide the top-notch quality of health care that we all need and deserve, no profession can afford to ignore any of its brightest and best. Gender neutrality in nursing must be attained; our future patients deserve it. Thankfully this book will help."
Eleanor J. Sullivan, PhD, RN, FAAN, Former Dean, University of Kansas School of Nursing and Past President, Sigma Theta Tau International
"This book is the first of its kind and a very valuable addition to the nursing literatureÖ.It is an excellent read and has many implications for nursing educationÖ" Score: 96, 4 stars
"The editors and contributors...are not afraid to tackle controversial topics like reverse gender discrimination in nursing leadership, masculine styles of nursing care, and the effects of gender on communication and workplace relationships. Other chapters explore the history and accomplishments of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing (AAMN), lessons learned from other countries...and future leadership opportunities for male nurses in the 21st century, including recommendations for a men's health nurse practitioner curriculum." --Minority Nurse
If you're thinking about a career in nursing or currently practicing in the field, this new innovative guide is just for you. For the first time, authors, educators and practicing nurses, Chad O'Lynn and Russell Tanbarger offer a unique insider's view to how men work, succeed, and survive in this fast growing segment of the healthcare industry.
From the barriers and stereotypes men must overcome, to the basic daily work needs they have as nurses, this book covers the entire spectrum of career-based issues men face today and have faced in the past.
Men in Nursing is the perfect guide for men seeking a career in this fast growing industry. From insider advice and real-life experiences, this new innovative and inspiring guide is a must-have for everyone involved in the field today.
Topics Covered Include:
History-Presents an inspirational overview of the contributions men have made to the nursing field.
Current Issues - Provides recommendations to address barriers such as reverse discrimination, workplace communication and leadership.