Nixie clock with IN-12 tubes
I can make some lettering in the front panel. Just let me know what do you want.250
Nixie clock with vintage IN-12 tubes that were made in USSR (old stock). This unique clock will move you back in Cold War Era. Excellent item for touching history!
15 colors LED backlight creates perfect background for neon glowing of Nixie tubes.
Backlight has three modes - constantly on, breath, off.
Clock shows time at 12h and 24h format.
You can change it easily. Just one click.
You can control functions with four buttons (Mode, Increase, Decrease, Color).
Clock has night mode that decrease brightness of tubes and backlight from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am (22:00-6:00).
Slot machine effect every fifteen minutes for long life of tubes (preventing cathodes poisoning).
Four good looking modes of time changing.
Three modes of blinking dot (on, off, slow blinking)
The dimensions of clock
22 cm or 8.7" long
8.5 cm or 3.4" height
5 volts USB power supply and power cord are included.
Time backup with replaceable Li-Ion battery.
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