Nursing Care Plans and Documentation: Nursing Diagnoses and Collaborative Problems by Lynda Juall Carpenito RN MSN CRNP
Nursing Care Plans and Documentation: Nursing Diagnoses and Collaborative Problems by Lynda Juall Carpenito RN MSN CRNP (2008-11-04) - This is a P.D.F Ebook.
A comprehensive, market-leading nursing care planning and documentation text for undergraduate nursing students. This one-of-a-kind resource can be used conjunctively with Nursing Diagnosis and Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis, both by the same author. Content includes nursing care plans for the care of all adults regardless of their clinical situation; detailed care plans for specific clinical problems; collaborative problems and nursing diagnoses; and a strong emphasis on documentation. It also includes research validated identification of frequently encountered nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems. In addition to the adult care plans, the Fourth Edition will include a section on pediatric care planning.