Paintings for a children's room, The size of the paintings with frame is 29x40, handmade frame
About this item
4 paintings for a children's room. Material: oil, primed cardboard. Handmade frame using texture paste. The paintings are varnished. The size of the paintings with frame is 29x40. The price is for 4 paintings
4 paintings for a children's room. Material: oil, primed cardboard. Handmade frame using texture paste. The paintings are varnished. The size of the paintings with frame is 29x40. The price is for 4 paintings
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Inspiration art

Paintings for a children's room, The size of the paintings with frame is 29x40, handmade frame
Paintings for a children's room, The size of the paintings with frame is 29x40, handmade frame
4 paintings for a children's room. Material: oil, primed cardboard. Handmade frame using texture paste. The paintings are varnished. The size of the paintings with frame is 29x40. The price is for 4 paintings
4 paintings for a children's room. Material: oil, primed cardboard. Handmade frame using texture paste. The paintings are varnished. The size of the paintings with frame is 29x40. The price is for 4 paintings
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