Parsley seeds 10000 Parsley Berlin Root seeds,Parsley seeds, Ukrainian organic seeds SW637
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Parsley seeds Berlin Root - white pulp, tender and juicy. Late-ripening variety. It is used for fresh consumption, processing and winter storage. The growing season from germination to technical ripeness of root crops is 140-180 days. The root crop is large, cone-shaped, cream-colored, 18-22 cm long, 4-5 cm in diameter, weighing 100-110 g, excellent taste and marketability.
Although parsley is a light-loving crop, it grows quite well in semi-shaded places. Parsley is sown at several times, from the second half of April to November. Sow in previously prepared grooves to a depth of about a centimeter. When the leaves reach ten centimeters or more, they begin to be cut. Moderate watering, loosening row spacings and top dressing - this is the care of such an unpretentious crop as Berlin root parsley, allowing you to get a stable harvest.