Pediatric Sleep Problems: A Clinician's Guide to Behavioral Interventions
Pediatric Sleep Problems: A Clinician's Guide to Behavioral Interventions
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Author(s): Lisa J. Meltzer, Valerie McLaughlin Crabtree, American Psychological Association
Publisher: APA Books, Year: 2015
ISBN: 143381983X,9781433819834
Sleep problems are common in children. Between 25-40% of youth experience sleep difficulties such as sleep anxiety, insomnia, frequent waking, delayed circadian rhythm, night terrors, and nocturnal enuresis or encopresis at some point during childhood or adolescence. Yet, most healthcare providers receive little if any training in paediatric sleep problems -- and most training that does exist tends to emphasize medical rather than behavioural interventions. This book presents highly effective behavioural interventions for common paediatric sleep problems. Step-by-step instructions show readers how to clinically assess and treat children from toddlers to teenagers, and case examples apply the instructions to real-life scenarios. The authors also provide more than 30 handouts and worksheets for parents and children, including sleep logs and directions for a series of creative, at-home interventions.