Principles of Pediatric Nursing Caring for Children 7th Edition Test Bank
Principles of Pediatric Nursing Caring for Children 7th Edition
To prepare today's students to begin thinking and acting like nurses, Principles of Pediatric Nursing, Seventh Edition presents a foundation of core pediatric nursing principles with an emphasis on growth and development, family-centered care, and health promotion and maintenance. Nursing students often bring an Adult Health mindset to Pediatric Nursing, which can obscure the special considerations needed to effectively care for children. Principles of Pediatric Nursing helps students visualize how to care for children and understand the ways caring for pediatric patients is similar to, and different from, adult patients.
KEY TOPICS: Nurse's Role in Care of the Child: Hospital, Community, and Home; Family-Centered Care and Cultural Considerations; Genetic and Genomic Influences; Growth and Development; Pediatric Assessment; Introduction to Health Promotion and Maintenance; Health Promotion and Maintenance for the Newborn and Infant; Health Promotion and Maintenance for the Toddler and Preschooler; Health Promotion and Maintenance for the School-Age Child and Adolescent; Nursing Considerations for the Child in the Community; Nursing Considerations for the Hospitalized Child; The Child with a Chronic Condition; The Child with a Life-Threatening Condition and End-of-Life Care; Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition; Pain Assessment and Management in Children; Immunizations and Communicable Diseases; Social and Environmental Influences on the Child; Alterations in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid―Base Balance; Alterations in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Function; Alterations in Respiratory Function; Alterations in Cardiovascular Function; Alterations in Immune Function; Alterations in Hematologic Function; The Child with Cancer; Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function; Alterations in Genitourinary Function; Alterations in Neurologic Function; Alterations in Mental Health and Cognition; Alterations in Musculoskeletal Function; Alterations in Endocrine and Metabolic Function; Alterations in Skin Integrity
MARKET: Principles of Pediatric Nursing is intended for use in pediatric nursing courses in associate and baccalaureate degree programs. It may also be helpful for practicing nurses working on hospital units and in health centers.