Radish seeds 500 green Radish seeds Margelan,Ukrainian organic seeds SW22
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Green radish Margelan.
Seeds of Margelanskaya radish. Medium-ripening radish. The period from sprouting to harvesting is 60-80 days. Roots have a smooth surface, rounded shape, white with a green tip that protrudes above the soil surface. The average weight of a Margelan radish fruit is about 1 pound. The flesh is white, juicy, without bitterness, soft on the palate and yet has a pleasant spiciness. The variety is cold-resistant and responds positively to irrigation. Suitable for winter storage. Thanks to the thick skin, the roots are well preserved and not damaged during transport. Variety has all the medicinal qualities of winter radish. This variety is suitable for sowing seeds in two
periods: spring (radish seeds
Sown in spring (radish seeds are sown from late April to early May) and summer (radish seeds are sown in the first half of July to mid-August). Sow the seeds of Margelan radish at the depth of 1.5-2 cm on the scheme 15 x 15 cm. Resistance to blooming and low temperatures makes white Margelan radish especially popular.