BOOK: Saints, to whom the Lord has granted special grace to heal diseases and provide help in other needs | Moscow, 2006
Saints, to whom the Lord has granted special grace to heal diseases and provide help in other needs. Which saint should I pray to in which cases.
In this book you will find the names of saints who were given the opportunity to heal people, help in difficult situations, share their grief. If you have a misfortune in your life and you do not know what to do, then we recommend you to read this publication, because thanks to the prayers collected in it, you will be able to find inner peace. The saints will definitely help the needy, asking for help and heavenly patronage, so do not despair, it is better to pray to the all-seeing saints.
The edition was released in 2012. Due to the rather large format, we recommend you to read this book at home. The cover and binding are solid, durable. The pages are made of newsprint. The font is large and legible. The text is monochrome - black.