Sentiment Indicators. Renko, Price Break, Kagi, Point and Figure
**Sentiment Indicators** is a book about using four unique technical indicators to gauge market sentiment and make profitable trading decisions. The book is written by Abe Cofnas, a noted trading expert with over 25 years of experience.
The four indicators covered in the book are:
* **Renko:** This indicator filters out small price movements and focuses on larger trends.
* **Price Break:** This indicator identifies levels of support and resistance.
* **Kagi:** This indicator is similar to Renko, but it also takes into account the direction of the trend.
* **Point and Figure:** This indicator is a very old and traditional indicator that is still used by many traders today.
Cofnas explains how each of these indicators can be used to identify buying and selling opportunities. He also provides a number of trading strategies that can be used with these indicators.
The book is well-written and easy to understand, even for those who are new to technical analysis. Cofnas provides a number of examples to illustrate his points, and he also includes a glossary of terms.
Overall, **Sentiment Indicators** is a valuable resource for any trader who wants to learn how to use technical analysis to make profitable trading decisions.
Here are some additional details that you may want to include in your description:
* The book was originally published in 2010.
* It has been praised by reviewers for its clear and concise writing style.
* It is a good resource for both experienced and novice traders.