Steam inhaler Odors of Health. The inhaler is warm.
The inhaler is intended for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases through local exposure to an inhaled mixture of heated water vapor and herbal aerosols, medicinal solutions and essential oils. Essential oils. Multi-part evaporation of several essential oils acts purposefully, greatly increasing the efficiency of inhalation. Indications for use: - acute respiratory viral diseases; - rhinitis; - laryngitis; - acute or chronic bronchitis; - chronic nonspecific lung diseases; - pneumonia in the phase of convalescence; - bronchial asthma; - angina; - hypertonic disease; - vegetative-vascular dystonia. Contraindications for use: hemoptysis, bleeding; diseases of the lungs and heart with symptoms of severe pulmonary heart failure; allergy to essential oils and to the products used in the preparation of solutions for inhalation.