STOP OVERTHINKING: 3 Books In 1: Overthinking, Self-Discipline, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Declutter Your Mind, Creat
★★★★★510 pages★★★★
Do you want to get rid of overthinking?
Do you want to declutter your mind and overcome negativity and spiral of toxic thoughts ?
Are you ready to create atomic habits to stop worrying, manage stress, anxiety, and depression, and have positive thinking that focuses on the present?
If yes, then read on...
Overthinking, as the name suggests, is thinking too much and for too long about an anxiety-provoking event, usually, but not always, a negative experience of some kind (e.g., a past mistake, a current worry, or a future outcome). Do you have difficulty shutting off your racing mind? Are you indecisive and confused about a decision to make? Do you feel fatigued and upset because of your thoughts? If so, you are likely an acute overthinker.