The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist: Recognizing the Traits and Finding Healing After Hidden Emotional and Psycholo
Do you feel confused and exhausted by a relationship, and you can’t figure out why?
Do you feel like you can’t think straight, and the person in your life seems fine, so you wonder if maybe you are the problem?
Has someone mentioned you might be with a narcissist, or you wonder yourself, and when you research narcissism, they don’t seem to completely fit the description, although some of the traits do ring true?
The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist is the most comprehensive and helpful book on the topic of covert narcissism. Also available in Spanish as El Nacisista Pasivo Agresivo. Find the answers you are looking for. This book delivers:
- A list of traits of the covert narcissist and how they look like in daily life
- The differences between an overt and a covert narcissist
- A checklist to see if you are with a covert narcissist
- Real-life stories to illustrate what these traits look like
- Explanations of different covert techniques narcissists use to control and manipulate
- A chapter dedicated to what sex looks like with a covert narcissist
- Descriptions of covertly narcissistic parents Information on what it looks like to have a covertly narcissistic boss or co-worker
- A chapter on healing to help give you tools and hope for a beautiful future, free of toxic relationships.
You will see that you are not crazy, that your instincts are correct, and you will learn how to see through covert manipulation and control.