The Tree of Life, Abstract Art, Original Acrylic Painting, Liquid Art - Original Artwork
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About this item
Abstractart, original acrylic painting, liquidar
An originalwork of art-Oneofakind
The painting is made of acrylicin the technique of fluidart.Suchpicturesalwayslooksensualandsophisticated...
Ifyou likeandunderstand lifeas a stream of happiness and pleasureexpressedinfeelingsandemotions,thenthis is yourway of a happylife!
The image of a treegives you an underst and
a trueenjoyment of thislife. Beingin the creativeflow of love, youalwaysoriginateinearthlymatter. Bizarrecurves of lines,flowingandintertwining;manyovals;cellsandbubbles.
The iridescentversatility of shadesthatweseein the bark of
the treegives a feeling of fabulousinterweaving of events that give rise to allthissplendor of the deliciousandsweetcrown of the tree.
By purchasingsuch a picture,youbecome the owner of a powerfulenergy of love,
whichfloods the entirespace of yourroom with itslight.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleaseconta
An originalwork of art-Oneofakind
The painting is made of acrylicin the technique of fluidart.Suchpicturesalwayslooksensualandsophisticated...
Ifyou likeandunderstand lifeas a stream of happiness and pleasureexpressedinfeelingsandemotions,thenthis is yourway of a happylife!
The image of a treegives you an underst and
a trueenjoyment of thislife. Beingin the creativeflow of love, youalwaysoriginateinearthlymatter. Bizarrecurves of lines,flowingandintertwining;manyovals;cellsandbubbles.
The iridescentversatility of shadesthatweseein the bark of
the treegives a feeling of fabulousinterweaving of events that give rise to allthissplendor of the deliciousandsweetcrown of the tree.
By purchasingsuch a picture,youbecome the owner of a powerfulenergy of love,
whichfloods the entirespace of yourroom with itslight.Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleaseconta