The World's Most Evil Psychopaths: Horrifying True-Life Cases of Pure Evil
Jeffrey Dahmer committing his first murder with a fear of being left alone, then went on luring young boys and keeping souvenirs of their skulls.
Ted Bundy who appeared to be a generous and charming young man with a brilliant future started with a petty crime and worked his way up to the murder of young women.
John Wayne Gacy was a pillar of the community, organizing themed block parties and entertaining as Pogo the Clown, but his early transgressions began to take on more and more sinister forms.
A chilling but engrossing read, the fully illustrated The World's Most Evil Psychopaths provides a concise, yet detailed look at some of the most dangerous individuals who have ever lived. Starting with examples of the earliest recorded psychopaths, author John Marlowe presents a carefully chosen cross-section of history's most infamous criminals.