Third-Wave Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, With Dialectical Behavior Therapy by Helen Campbell (Author)
Begin the path to a life of well-being to overcome forever the negativity in your life with the knowledge that is in this simple and fast audiobook
Do you want a practical way to improve your emotional, mental and psychological well-being?
Are you looking for proven methods to help you overcome anxiety, stress and more?
Then this is the audiobook for you!
In this audiobook, you’ll explore these three highly effective therapies for transforming the way you are living your life CBT The focus of CBT is problem-oriented, with an emphasis on the present. Instead of focusing on the causes of distress or symptoms in the past, it looks for ways to improve your current state of mind it focuses on ‘here and now’ problems and difficulties.
DBT Teaches you in recovery how to identify, regulate, and feel emotions without it overwhelming them to the point that it triggers impulsive behavior. is an effective combination of cognitive and behavioral therapies, its goal is to transform negative thinking patterns and destructive behaviors into positive outcomes.
ACT develops psychological flexibility and is a form of behavioral therapy that combines mindfulness skills with the practice of self-acceptance encourages people to embrace their thoughts and feelings rather than fighting or feeling guilty for them.
How will this audiobook help me?
You will have a 360-degree overview of what combines the potential of CBT with those of DBT and ACT and how these effective therapies will be your battle companions to solve ( not avoid ) problems such as
• anxiety,
• fears,
• worries
• depression
• dangerous behaviors
• negative emotions
Are you ready?
Harness the power of these therapies for proven and practical tips, and you will get rid of harmful thoughts and bad emotions to embrace a life of positivity, abundance and well-being.
Buy this audiobook now! and start to unlock your inner mindfulness, transforming your habits and strengthening your mindset!