Wisdom Merry Trending Fonts - Digital Font
Wisdom Merry is a signature font with simple and classy taste, comes with Elegant Beginning and Ending tails (Swash & Titling), also has OpenType features such as ligatures. We keep this font looks classy, readable, elegant, stylish, catchy, and absolutely easy to use.
Wisdom Merry is the great choice for a watermark on photography, signature or signature logo design, album cover, business card, quotes, and much other design projects.
What is include:
Wisdom Merry – OTF/TTF/WOFF
Each font has:
Stylish handwritten style
Special Ligatures
Special Swash (Beginning Tails)
Special Titling (Ending Tails)
Multilingual Support
PUA Encoded Characters – Fully accessible without additional design software.