Antenna Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition
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The “bible of antenna engineering” fully updated to provide state-of-the-art coverage in antenna design and applications
Edited by John L. Volakis, one of the world's leading authorities in antenna engineering, this trusted resource covers all the classic antenna types plus many new types and designs used in communications systems, satellites, radars, and emerging applications from WLAN to automotive systems to biomedical to smart antennas.
You will also find expert discussion of topics critical to successful antenna design and engineering, such as measurement techniques and computational methods, a materials guide, wave propagation basics, microwave circuits, and matching techniques, as well as diversity and MIMO propagation models, frequency selective surfaces, and metamaterials. Packed with 1,500 illustrations, the 4th Edition of Antenna Engineering Handbook presents:
Step-by-step guidance on most antennas (modern and classic)
59 chapters with 21 new chapters and 38 fully updated chapters from the previous edition
Contributions from over 80 well-known antenna experts
Full-color insert illustrating many commercial and military antennas
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