Ayesha The Return of She By H. Rider Haggard pdf Download
Ayesha The Return of She By H. Rider Haggard
Book Title: Ayesha The Return of She
Authors : By H. Rider Haggard
Language : English
Format: PDF
Page : 271
ched him I could catch the tones of his full, sonorous voice, and see his waving, outstretched arms. In his right hand he held the looped sceptre which, by his express wish I send to you with the drawings. I could see the flash of the jewels strung upon the wires, and in the great stillness, hear the tinkling of its golden bells.
"Presently, too, I seemed to become aware of another presence, and now you will understand why I desire and must ask that my identity should be suppressed. Naturally enough I do not wish to be mixed up with a superstitious tale which is, on the face of it, impossible and absurd. Yet under all the circumstances I think it right to tell you that I saw, or thought I saw, something gather in the shadow of the central dolmen, or emerge from its rude chamber--I know not which for certain--something bright and glorious which gradually took the form of a woman upon whose forehead burned a star-like fire.
"At any rate the vision or reflection, or whatever it was, startled me so