Felting All methods of dry felting. Textbook in Russian by Irina Tsyban 2014
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Book in Russian
All methods of dry felting
If you are new to this business, then this book will allow you to acquire a new specialty for working with your hands, or perhaps a new hobby at your leisure. If you are no longer a beginner, it will help you improve your skills in this matter. It will expand your horizons and deepen knowledge in this field of activity. It will help you gain new experience for individual development and turn your ideas into a new finished product or turn your hobby into an individual business. It all depends on you, your imagination and enterprise, as well as the goals and objectives that you set for yourself to achieve your dream! Good luck in self-development!
Dry felting is a fashionable needlework technique, compacting wool balls with special needles. Felting resembles modeling - with its help you can embody any creative ideas. Master the technique of felting and get the joy of creativity!
- Author Irina Tsyban
- Publishing house Vivat
- Series of books Master class
- Language Russian Year of publication 2014
- Number of pages 64 pages (color illustrations)
- Format 70x100/16 (~170x240 mm)
- Binding Soft Paper Coated
- Circulation 5000
- ISBN 978-617-7186-12-9
- Weight 200 gr.
- Type Paper