Gas Lighters Windproof Inflatable
Shipping Type:
Butane Gas Lighters Windproof Inflatable Blue Flame Watch Metal Lighters Men's Gadget Gift Conversion Cigarette Cigar Lighters
Usage: Cigarette,Outdoor
Style: GAS
Weight: 60g
Feature 1: Windproof
*Use away from face, body, clothing, metallic and flammable clothinG.
*DONoT puncture or use near open electric arc flame.
*DONoT please in sunlight for long periods of time.
*DONoT keep flame lit for more then 5 seconds at a time.
*Lighter areNoT toys- keep away from children.
*Use only in well ventilated area.
*Ensure the electric arc flame is extinguished after use.
*DONoT touch the arc, as it will result in burn or possible small shock.
Instructions for use: due to the control of aviation regulations, we cannot
lighters with gas. Please add butane gas to the lighters after receiving the
order before they can be used normally!!!!!!!