Idol of Divine Twins | Idol from Kazanka and Ak-Chokrak
In late Indo-European mythology (Mature Indo-European), the myth of the Divine Twins is known, reconstructed on the basis of the Vedic Ashvins, the Germanic Alcis (Tacitus, "Germania"), the Greek Dioscuri and the "Sons of God" from Latvian and Lithuanian songs (lith. Dievo suneliai, latv. Dieva deli). Traces of the Divine Twins were also preserved among the Germans in the form of a legend about Hengist and Horsa. The Divine Twins are the descendants of the supreme god - Sky Father Dyeus (among the Greeks, they are the sons of Zeus and the mortal woman Leda), they are the youngest and, perhaps, the youngest of the gods, they are heroes-winners of monsters and protectors of people.
Two stelae of the 3rd - early 2nd millennium BC have come down to us. e. These are steles from Kazanka and Ak-Chokrak, discovered in the Indo-European steppes of the Black Sea region. In the lower part of the steles, in a characteristic pose, pairs of “twins” are depicted, in which we can see traces of the cult of the Divine Twins. The presented idol is based on these two stelae.