Juran s Quality Handbook The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence, Fifth Edition
Juran s Quality Handbook The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence, Fifth Edition
JOSEPH M. JURAN - This is a P.D.F Ebook.
For decades, Juran's Quality Handbook has been the one essential
reference in quality management and engineering—the ultimate
authoritative source of answers on quality applications, procedures,
techniques, and strategies. Now this Fifth Edition—a major revision and
the first new edition of Juran's Quality Handbook in more than 10
years—forges a new standard in tools for quality. Bringing managers and
engineers the most up-to-date methods, research, and theory, under the
guidance of a team of the world's top experts, Juran's shows you how to
plan for quality, achieve quality control, and ensure quality results.
Packed with new methods, research, and thought on quality, and
emphasizing the need for quality software and quality software
development methods, this completely updated classic also gives you new
information, new techniques, and new applications. Broad in scope and
inclusive in methodology, Juran's Quality Handbook is the reference of
choice for anyone concerned with quality in business, manufacturing, or
engineering. Whether you're just beginning your journey or a longtime
traveler on the quality path, this book is the best possible companion
for your voyage.