CDUK Patterns
Shop Bio
UK Designer of cute and quirky knit and crochet patterns for your Prince or Princess. All crochet patterns have patterns supplied in both US and UK terminology for your convenience. Files are in PDF format so you may need free software such as Adobe Acrobat to view the pattern file.
UK Designer of cute and quirky knit and crochet patterns for your Prince or Princess. All crochet patterns have patterns supplied in both US and UK terminology for your convenienc
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By using any Cherished Design (CDUK) pattern you agree to the Terms and Conditions as set out below… Users may NOT redistribute, resell, and/or translate patterns into another language. All patterns released by Cherished Designs UK (CDUK) are protected under copyright laws. Reproduction/distribution, in part or in whole in any form or by any means is strictly prohibited unless specifically authorized. Commercial use of any photo that belongs to Cherished Designs UK is strictly prohibited. You may sell anything you make from any Cherished Design (CDUK) pattern, but please do not mass produce them as a large commercial enterprise (a social media tag would be greatly appreciated).
By using any Cherished Design (CDUK) pattern you agree to the Terms and Conditions as set out below… Users may NOT redistribute, resell, and/or translate patterns into another lan
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