Cyclops toy crochet pattern
Cyclops toy crochet pattern:
-Difficulty level - easy (maximum medium :-) )
-The hands, legs, horns, eyes, stomach are sewn to the cyclops
-Eyebrows are embroidered
-When using the specified materials, the size of the toy will be approximately 18-20 cm (but the size also depends on the density and method of crocheting)
Necessary materials:
-Hooks #6, #4, #3, #2,5, #2
-filler, scissors, marker, tailor's pins, needle
-Alize Softy 672 lilac (main)
-Alize Softy 41 light green (main)
-Alize Softy 128 turquoise (main)
-Alize Softy 191 pink (horns)
-YarnArt Jeans black (mouth, pupil)
-YarnArt Jeans 84 mustard color +Gazzal Baby Cotton 3416 orange (for the iris)
-YarnArt Jeans Plus 62 for the white of the eye)
-YarnArt Jeans 33 blue (eye)
-YarnArt Jeans 20 pink (for the trunk of the horn)
-YarnArt Jeans 62 white (for tummy)
Only crochet pattern!