Flower Backgrounds,roses,sapphire flowers,cherry blossom,rose petals, peonies,gothic black rose,water lilies,Jpg Format
You will receive
— High res. Image
— Jpg Format size 12x12” inches (3600 x 3600 px)
— High quality(300 dpi)
Perfect for a variety of print and digital media such as background designs, notebooks, scrapbooking, journals, social media banners, posters, wallpapers, graphic design, and cards. Let your creativity soar with the limitless possibilities of this captivating collection."
After purchase, please click on the available link, files will be downloaded from google drive
—Commercial licence
Produce an infinite number of physical finished products with no limitations.
Craft and vend your personal goods through Print-on-Demand (POD) websites with no restrictions.
Generate an infinite number of digital finished products.
A commercial license prohibits: -
Sell the items as clip art and digital paper for resale purposes.
Offer these cliparts and digital paper for free downloads -
You are not authorized to assert ownership over this clip art collection or digital paper."