Gypsophila Red seeds 4000 seeds Gypsophila , Ukrainian Organic seeds SW799
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An unpretentious plant of the Clove family with thin, highly branching shoots 40-50 cm high, forming an openwork bush. To obtain flowering plants throughout the summer, sowing can be carried out at several times with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks (gypsophila blooms 1.5 months after sowing). Blooms very profusely in June-July, about three weeks. Red small flowers (up to 1 cm in diameter) are collected in loose wide inflorescences. Cold-resistant, photophilous and sufficiently drought-resistant, prefers light, non-acidic soils. Grown by direct sowing in the ground in early May or before winter. Seedlings appear 8-10 days after sowing, they are thinned out with a distance of 15 cm between plants.