Pharmacology and the Nursing Process 9th Edition PDF Instant Dowload
Get the perfect blend of pharmacology, prioritization, and nursing process information. As one of the best-selling nursing pharmacology books on the market, Pharmacology and the Nursing Process focuses on the key information you need to safely and effectively administer medications. The 9th Edition features clearly written updated drug content reflecting the latest FDA drug approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses. Hundreds of full-color illustrations detail how drugs work in the body and depict key steps in administration. As in previous editions, the text includes thoughtful learning strategies, simple language, a wealth of student-friendly features and innovative learning aids, and QSEN callouts. Along with its integrated NCLEX® preparation and instructor resources, you won’t find a more complete pharmacology text on the market!
- Focus on need-to-know content uses a "key drug" approach to help you focus on the most important information.
- Focus on the nursing process helps you learn to prioritize nursing care to focus on the most essential assessments, nursing diagnoses, interventions, and evaluation/outcome criteria.
- Focus on prioritization includes prioritized nursing diagnoses along with corresponding prioritization of goals and outcomes, to help you learn to connect nursing diagnoses to goals and outcomes.
- Additional QSEN coverage incorporates more QSEN information throughout the text....