Nutrition And Diet Therapy 8th Edition By Linda Kelly DeBruyne -Test Bank
1 – Overview of Nutrition and Health
K/A, page(s) K
= knowledge question; A = application question
F K 7 1. Minerals and water are organic and yield energy in the human body.
T K 7-8 2. An
excess intake of any energy nutrient can lead to becoming overweight.
T K 8-9 3. The
Dietary Reference Intakes are a set of standards that define the amount of
energy, nutrients, other dietary components, and physical activity that best
support health.
T K 9 4. To ensure that the vitamin and mineral recommendations meet the
needs of as many people as possible, the recommendations are set near the top
end of the range of the population’s estimated average requirements.
T K 9 5. Dietary Reference Intakes are values that are appropriate to use
for planning and assessing diets for individuals and groups.
T A 13 6. Consuming nutrient-dense foods can help control your kcalorie
T K 22 7. The ingredients list on a food label must list the ingredients in
descending order of predominance by weight.
T A 25 8. A package of prunes states that the product is a good fiber source
and the Nutrition Facts panel indicates the product contains 12% of the Daily
Value for dietary fiber. This product can legally make this claim.
F A 25 9. A carton of yogurt claims that it is fat free and the Nutrition
Facts panel indicates the product contains 5 grams of fat per serving. This
product can legally make this claim.
F A 25 10. A package of cookies claims that the cookies are low kcalorie, and
the Nutrition Facts panel indicates that each cookie contains 70 kcalories.
This product can legally make this claim.
Nutrition in Practice – Finding the
Truth about Nutrition
T K 32 11. There is no nationally accepted definition
for the term nutritionist.
b A 3 1. The reason that most of us enjoy turkey and pumpkin pie at
Thanksgiving is due to:
a. habit.
b. associations.
c. values.
d. emotional state.
c K 3 2. Personal preference plays a significant part
in the food choices of an individual. Widely shared preferences include:
a. a
desire for sour tastes.
b. significant
nutritional value.
c. tastes
for salt and sugar.
d. a craving for protein.
c A 5 3. You are at a friend’s house for dinner and
high-fat foods are being served. You go ahead and consume these foods primarily
because of:
a. emotional
b. associations.
c. social
d. ethnic heritage.
a K 4 4. Which of the following foods best exemplify the Asian culture?
a. soybeans, squid, rice, peanuts
b. tomatoes, olives, fish, mozzarella
c. tortillas, corn, avocado, refried
d. black-eyed peas, biscuits, peaches,
a K 4 5. Which of the following characterizes the diet
of most ethnic groups?
a. excludes
b. excludes
green leafy vegetables
c. excludes
grains and grain products
d. excludes meat and meat products
b A 6 6. Orange juice fortified with calcium to help build strong bones is
an example of a(n):
a. phytochemical.
b. functional food.
c. organic food.
d. convenience food.
d K 7 7. All of the following nutrients are organic except:
a. carbohydrate.
b. fat.
c. protein.
d. minerals.
c K 7 8. The kcalorie content of a food depends on how much it contains of
each of the following except:
a. carbohydrate.
b. fat.
c. water.
d. protein.
b K 7 9. Which of the following statements about vitamins is true?
a. They are inorganic.
b. They facilitate the release of energy
from the energy-yielding nutrients.
c. They are the medium in which all of
the body’s processes take place.
d. They provide energy to the body.
c K 7 10. The essential nutrients are those:
a. the body can make for itself.
b. that are predominant in most foods.
c. that must be obtained from foods.
d. included in the main DRI table.
c K 7 11. Which of the following becomes a major fuel
for the body only when the other fuels are unavailable?
a. carbohydrate
b. fat
c. protein
d. water