Hand painted Shakti yantra Sacred geometry Yoga Spiritual Zen Decor Meditatation
This yantra helps to control thoughts, control mental dialogue and concentrate psychic power. It grants the ability to bring peace.
There is incredible power in thoughts and words: the thoughts that you choose create all your life situations. And when you learn to control your thoughts and words, you will be in harmony with this power.
All people are immersed in the aura formed by their thinking. This is a direct consequence of everything they have said, thought or done. The aura determines what should happen in your life. She attracts to herself what is similar to her and repels the alien.
Thanks to this yantra, you will consciously learn to create in your thoughts an image of what you want to achieve. It is necessary to think only about this, and then you will imperceptibly be attracted to what you want. To fulfill desires with the power of thought is an invaluable gift that you will receive from this yantra!