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Project Hail Mary 0
Project Hail Mary 1
Project Hail Mary 0
Project Hail Mary 1

Project Hail Mary

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From the author of The Martian, this gripping and cinematic tale follows a lone astronaut who must avert a catastrophic disaster to save Earth.

Ryland Grace is the only survivor of a critical mission, and he wakes up to find himself alone in space with no memory of his past or the mission’s purpose. All he knows is that his crewmates are dead, and he is millions of miles from home with only two lifeless bodies for company.

As his memories start to come back, Ryland realizes he faces an enormous challenge. On this small spacecraft, he must solve a complex scientific problem to prevent an extinction-level event. With no one nearby and the clock ticking, he must tackle this mission alone—unless there’s more to the situation than meets the eye.

This thrilling interstellar adventure is a remarkable blend of discovery, speculation, and survival, offering a fresh and exhilarating experience akin to The Martian.

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