Shop Bio
Hi, friends! My name is Olya, my art is closely related to watercolor, mixed media and sculpture painting. I am known for my loose dynamic style and non-sketching approach. My paintings are always born from an experience or idea that I explore directly on the paper or canvas. When I paint, I am completely immersed in the process, I and watercolors - we have long become best friends, lovers and partners - we trust and love each other, so each of our meetings is a gentle dance with a wonderful ending! My works in the technique of sculpture painting are also my favorite direction of art. Using a palette knife, I create flowers from texture paste and this is an attempt to leave in eternity the fleeting beauty of a living flower. My love for watercolor also manifests itself in textiles - I create scarves with my own prints, and I also paint scarves by hand. I am glad to share my art with the World, and I am so happy that my paintings make people happier and give a harmony!
Hi, friends! My name is Olya, my art is closely related to watercolor, mixed media and sculpture painting. I am known for my loose dynamic style and non-sketching approach. My
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