Gzhel porcelain and ceramics
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Gzhel is a folk Russian craft in the form of porcelain products with paintings. A distinctive feature of such products is the cobalt pattern on a snow-white background. This fishery got its name from the name of the village of Gzhel in the Moscow region, where it actually originated. Clay mining has been widely carried out in the Gzheli area since the XVII century. The local clay was highly valued and considered one of the best. The history of fishing in Gzhel begins with the XVII century. The range of products of the Gzhel craftsmen was very large: dishes, bricks, tiles and even children's toys. Gzhel supplied Moscow with all this. The craftsmen made hundreds of thousands of clay toys a year alone. The demand for the products was great.
Gzhel is a folk Russian craft in the form of porcelain products with paintings. A distinctive feature of such products is the cobalt pattern on a snow-white background. This fisher
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Welcome, dear customer, to my shop "Gzhel porcelain". Gzhel are high—quality ceramic or porcelain products painted in a special way: blue paint on a white background. This is a native Russian folk craft, named after the village of the same name Gzhel. Gzhel painting is easy to recognize among other areas of Russia. Her characteristic style is blue and light blue patterns on a dazzling white background. Cobalt is used as a paint for drawing the pattern. It acquires a characteristic blue color during the firing process. Geometric belts, floral patterns and floral ornaments are used in the images. On large products, you can find entire landscapes and architectural structures, as well as conventional images of figures of people and animals. I hope you will like the products in my store very much. Each product is made by hand and signed by a master.
Welcome, dear customer, to my shop "Gzhel porcelain". Gzhel are high—quality ceramic or porcelain products painted in a special way: blue paint on a white background. This is a na
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