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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
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side by side or miles apart sisters are always connected by the heart
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
silence is great unless you have kids t-shirt
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
silly me expecting too much from people again t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sisters are like fat thighs
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
so there's this boy who kinda stole my heart he calls me mom
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
so there's this girl who kinda stole my heart she calls me mom
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
so when is this old enough to know better supposed to kick in
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
social distancing is hard for this hugger
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
some folks are wise some are otherwise t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
some people should use glue stick
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
some things are better left unsaid t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes even i'm scared of the things my mind comes up with t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
real tired of babysitting my mom's grandkids t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
remember me in your prayers t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
rescue dogs are bundles of love
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
rescued is my favorite breed
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
rules when i first wake up
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
overthinking mom t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
once i get an attitude t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
people be scared to say stuff but i'm not and that's why i only got 3 friends t-shirt
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
old lady stuff t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
people say i act like i don't care it's not an act t-shirtpng
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
people should seriously stop expecting normal from me
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes you just gotta say
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sorry i can't i have plans with my cat
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
stay at home mom t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
stressed blessed & coffee obsessed t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sunflower nurse
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes i talk to myself t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes i wake up grumpy t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes it physically hurts to hold my sarcastic comments in t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes the thoughts in my head get so bored they go out for a stroll
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes when i open my mouth
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes i get road rage walking behind people in the grocery store
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes i have to tell myself
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes i just agree with people so they will stop talking
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes i look at my husband and think damn you are one lucky man
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
sometimes i pretend to be normal
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
please keep your distance t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
prayer the world's greatest connection t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
proud member of the old folks club
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
pretending to be polite t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
put your hair in a bun t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
not sure who is harder to raise my husband or my kids
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
oh deer what a year t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
not all heroes wear capes some just wear scrubs
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
oh honey that high horse makes your ass look big
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
old enough to know better t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
unless your name is google stop acting like you know everything
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
warning i may start talking about jesus at any time t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
we are more than besties
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
we aren't step we aren't half
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
we weren't sisters by birth
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
we're all broken that's how the light gets in t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
what cat christmas tree t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
6 signs that you are secretly a cat t-shirt
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
9 of 10 voices in my head tell me i'm crazy one just hums
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
and god said let there be grandma
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
all i need is this dog and that other dog
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Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
apparently we're trouble when we are together
SAVE 53%
Scripted SVG Sanctuary
by Scripted SVG Sanctuary
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