Baby gift box, Baby rattle, Stroller toy, Baby toys set, 6 month baby toys, Bunny crochet toy, Bunny gift set, Baby toys
Gift set for newborns bunny mint.
A gift for the birth of a boy or a girl, a gift for discharge, a gift for christening, for future mommy, a gift for pregnant women.
-Pendant on the stroller bunny
-Milk and mint booties
-Knitted bunny rattle.
Details of baby rattle and toy:
1. Rattle size: 14-15 cm.
2. Stroller pendant size from and to: 30-33cm
3. Gift box size: 19 x 19 x 9 cm.
4. Yarn: 55% cotton, 45% acrylic.
5. Filler: hypoallergenic chollofiber.
6. On the rattle embroidered eyes, ears rustling.
7. Inside the rattle is a sealed rattle
8. The toy on the suspension has eyes on a secure attachment
9. Can be washed
10. The footbed of the booties is 11 cm
This is for newborns and babies from 4 months and up.
Let your baby play with these and any other toys under adult supervision
I chose the shape of a bunny for the baby rattle and stroller toy. I knitted them by hand from yarn containing cotton and acrylic. It turned out to be a wonderful combination. It is acrylic in the composition helps to make the yarn very strong and more durable. Thanks to this combination, this set for babies can be washed. The threads are very high quality, durable. Your baby can try them on a tooth, chew a little. And don't worry about your baby and baby toys.
Consider the baby rattle on the photo. The rattle in the form of a bunny has embroidered eyes. And inside this cute rattle is an airtight rattle. It makes soothing sounds for your baby. The new sounds keep your baby entertained and promote baby's development.
The stroller toy is also hand knitted by me. The toy has a pendant, her eyes on a secure attachment. Pay attention when your baby is playing with it. Please take care that the child does not bite her eyes. Children are so skillful and inventive when they like something!
This baby gift box is very good if you are going to visit a mom with a 6-8 month old baby. This is the period when babies start to cut their first teeth. And to make this period more comfortable for babies, there are baby toys 6 months, which can be chewed, try on the teeth. And these baby toys are easy to care for, they can be washed.
If you need a gift for a mom with a baby or a woman who is expecting a baby, choose this mint bunny set! Or you can make them happy by sending this cute baby gift box in the mail.
Let their faces light up with a sunny smile when they see your gift!
If you like this bunny set,
put this baby rattle, stroller toy, and milk-mint booties in your cart!
If you're interested in a different color, check out the other baby gift boxes in my store
Have a great day)