Dust and Pomegranates by Victoria Whitworth
From a magical childhood in Kenya, through misery at an American high school, to rescue by an inspirational teacher in England, Victoria Whitworth weaves a sublimely rich narrative, which is both an ode to her beloved Greece and Corfu, and a highly original exploration of myth and legend. Her adventures in the often weird and unsettling world of a Corinth English language school, and the shattering experience of her rape by a Greek taxi driver, lead Victoria to question some deeply familiar stories. Did Agamemnon really kill his daughter Iphigenia, so the wind would fill their sails for Troy? Was beautiful Helen of Troy a powerful enchantress? Or a tragic victim? Was Theseus, the Minotaur slayer, a superhero, or a predatory rapist? Or were they all of these things? This beautiful memoir asks repeatedly where truth lies, and how, as women, we can survive violence and conquer fear.
Dust and Pomegranates: How Greece Changed Me Forever by Victoria Whitworth – eBook Details
Before you start Complete Dust and Pomegranates: How Greece Changed Me Forever PDF by Victoria Whitworth Download, you can read below technical ebook details:
- Full Book Name: Dust and Pomegranates: How Greece Changed Me Forever
- Author Name: Victoria Whitworth
- Book Genre: Non-Fiction, Biographies BOOKGENRE Memoirs
- Edition Language: English