Lecture on Art By Jony Ruskin PDF Download
Lectures on Art By John Ruskin
Book Title: Lectures on Art
Authors:By John Ruskin
Language: English
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Format: PDF
Pages : 122
a study which can only by true modesty end in wise admiration,--it is surely well that I connect the record of these words of his, spoken then too truly to myself, and true always more or less for all who are untrained in that toil,--"You don't know how difficult it is."
You will not expect me, within the compass of this lecture, to give you any analysis of the many kinds of excellent art (in all the three great divisions) which the complex demands of modern life, and yet more varied instincts of modern genius, have developed for pleasure or service. It must be my endeavour, in conjunction with my colleagues in the other Universities, hereafter to enable you to appreciate these worthily; in the hope that also the members of the Royal Academy, and those of the Institute of British Architects, may be induced to assist, and guide, the efforts of the Universities, by organising such a system of art-education for their own students, as shall in future prevent the waste of genius in any mistaken ende